Inquiry: Booking for groups

Jennifer Ziegler-neutral

Do you want one Booking for a group Then we will be happy to advise and support you.
If you have completed the training right away need, please use option 1. Registration of a group, start immediately possibleHere you can set up the access yourself. 

If you have a little more time, you can also 2. Request: Registration of a group on account , we will set up the group for you.

1. Registration of a group, start immediately possible

NEW: You can now register groups yourself and start training directly. This allows you to purchase training for all your employees and start immediately. Press group booking, and watch the short explanatory video:

2. Request: Registration of a group on account

Simply fill out the form. We will get back to you within 24 hours on working days.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us personally at or under +4951527800574 (weekdays, 09:00-15:00).

Groups of 10 people and more


From 10 people the following service is included: 

  1. Bulk prices (from 10 people: 10 % discount, from 50 people: 30 % discount) and 20 % discount at subsequent bookings
  2. more individual group room for your company
  3. Group leader dashboard for quick access to participants and certificates

You can find more information in the video: 

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