Food fraud training

450,00  plus VAT.

4 hours | On-line

Your benefit: Learn the Causes of Food Fraud to recognize and to fight and fulfill legal and standard requirements like IFS and FSSC:

Applicable: In your company
practical: Many practical examples
With practical trainers: Specialized speaker

Food fraud training in food companies - identify and combat causes (based on IFS requirements)

No consumer wants to be a victim of Food fraud / food crime become. But the incentives for counterfeiters are great. Even small changes - for example the substitution of valuable components - can have significant impact additional financial margins bring in

But what can food companies do to avoid processing counterfeit food themselves - possibly even unknowingly - and pass food fraud on to their own customers undetected or become the perpetrator themselves?  

In this exciting online seminar you will receive practical answers - directly from the Food Fraud Expert Dr. Andreas Mueller. The seminar starts with examples of Food Fraud, then shows a simplified Food Fraud Vulnerability Analysis (IFS-based), explained offender profiles and the most important tools against food fraud. Followed by a final question round

The goal is to give you what you need expertise to the implementation the Food Fraud Vulnerability Analysis communicate in your company. If you are certified according to IFS or are planning certification, you will also fulfill the requirements with the procedure IFS standard requirements on food fraud.

Our Food Fraud online course is:

Book now:

  • online training
  • With many examples
  • Detailed instructions for Food Fraud Vulnerability Analysis

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Booking for companies:

In a nutshell: In this Food Fraud training course, we deal with the following topics:

  • Examples of food fraud: Possibilities and consequences of food fraud
  • Simplified, practice-oriented implementation of the requirements from the IFS: Countermeasures and preventive measures for food fraud and simplified, IFS-compliant food fraud vulnerability analysis
  • Food fraud in the company: The perpetrators – knowing and understanding perpetrator profiles
  • Tools against food fraud: Supplier contracts, product knowledge, sensors and analytics
  • question round

All information about the Food Fraud training course

Training Food Fraud

The training "food fraud“ consists of an online course (approx. 4 hours).
This is done by our experienced Practice trainer for food fraud moderated:Dr. Andreas Müller – expert for food fraud investigations.
You will receive the seminar documents as a PDF and can ask your specific questions in the question and answer session.

Advantages of our online training Food Fraud

By experts

Practical trainers

Small groups

Max. 12 participants


Without travel times


Directly as PDF

For groups*

special conditions



* For groups: Sign up below info@praxistrainings-lms.deto receive an individual offer.
** For companies: We also offer our training courses in-house by arrangement. Request to:

Content and topics of the seminar Food Fraud:

Content of the Online seminar “Food Fraud in Food Companies – Causes detect and combat (based on IFS requirements)"

  • Online course (live)
  • Documents as PDF handout 
  • Certificate of Participation

The following topics are covered in the online seminar Food Fraud in Food Companies - Recognizing and Combating Causes (based on IFS requirements):

1. Examples of food fraud
With exciting, vivid and sometimes frightening ones case examples from practice you will get a deep insight into the topic of food fraud. You learn different ones Opportunities for food fraud know and understand the scope of the topic.

2. Simplified, practice-oriented implementation of the requirements from the IFS
As a company, you have a duty to recognize food fraud as well countermeasures and preventive measures to implement. But the implementation is challenging. We will show you – based on the IFS requirements for the Food Fraud Vulnerability Analysis – how you can put this into practice quickly and efficiently. For this purpose we use tools that have been tried and tested many times in practice simplified methods, which of course continue to meet the IFS requirements.

3. Food fraud in the company: the perpetrators
Did you know that almost every second doctor given by Dr. Müller investigated cases of food fraud taking place in the client company? Often without the knowledge of management - by individuals or groups. In order to prevent such cases, it is important to motives of the perpetrators get to know. In this part of the training you will learn offender profiles know and understand. This is how you find out what you need to look out for during audits in order to identify food fraud activities that may be taking place.

4. Tools against food fraud: supplier contracts, product knowledge, sensors and analytics
The bee in our example photo recognized the wrong honey - but what can companies do to recognize counterfeit products? This chapter provides an overview of common tools against Food Fraud – started by supplier contracts and a good one product knowledge. In addition to product information, the sensors a great way to spot food fraud. Followed by the analytics, which is often considered the drug of first choice. We will show you when which tool is suitable for your company and in which order and combination you use the tools best. We're also going on a little trip data treasures, which are certainly dormant in your company and can be used to unmask food fraud.

5. Q&A
At this point you have your say and have the opportunity to express your Questions directly with the expert Dr. to discuss Andreas Mueller. Even afterwards, we are at your disposal for questions and case-specific advice gladly available.

Target group of the Food Fraud training course:

In general, the training is aimed at Employees of food companies and food manufacturers. In particular, the following professional groups are in demand:

  • Quality managers / officers, hygiene officers, HACCP team leaders / members
  • Specialists or executives from the food industry, gastronomy, communal catering, the food trade and similar industries
  • Internal auditors

Benefits of the Food Fraud Seminar

As a food company, you have a responsibility to identify, prevent and combat food fraud. In this practice-oriented online seminar you will learn how to do this - compact, clear and practical. We are working on many practical examples and provide you with a simplified form of IFS Food Vulnerability Analysis before. Of course you remain IFS compliant. In the question and answer session you can ask specific questions. 

Frequently asked questions about the Food Fraud training course

  • Approx. 4 hours for the online training (including breaks)
  • Important: Ensure an interference-free environment and stable Internet access from the PC.

After you have completed the training, you will receive a certificate for successful participation in the Food Fraud training course.

Book directly through this website or ask one Booking on account among on.

If you would like to book the training for several people, please send us an email We are also happy to offer the training as an in-house training course.

Your expert for food fraud

dr Andreas Müller is a physicist and materials scientist. He worked in aviation for a long time and switched to food safety in 2009. After nine years with an international laboratory service provider, he became self-employed. His main areas of activity include: forensic inspections, causal chain investigation and risk analysis in the areas of food fraud and foreign bodies. His expertise as a manager (15 years managing director) is often used for sparring tasks. Andreas Müller has worked abroad for many years (including ten years in China). He combines interdisciplinary and intercultural competence and is in demand as a speaker.

Speaker Dr. Andreas Müller

Andreas Mueller

expert FRAUD, LkSG

My specialties are: Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), forensic inspections, causal chain investigation and risk analysis in the areas food fraud and foreign bodies. 

Booking on account:

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